Bridge Meeting

  • 04 Aug 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • ZOOM

The August Bridge meeting will be via ZOOM.

To join the meeting tap on one of the highlighted links below:

For internet connectivity (audio + video):

Join Zoom Meeting

Note: You will need to have downloaded the ZOOM app beforehand or follow the prompts after clicking the link.


For cellular phone connectivity (audio only):

One tap mobile

+16027530140,,98698066849# US (Phoenix)

Note: Tap on the numerical link above, listen to all prompts, and hit # symbol to connect.

There is a bridge meeting for the club’s officer group once a month, at Cody’s Beef ‘n Beans. Usually this is on the first Tuesday of the month, though it may vary.

Cody's Beef 'n Beans

Cody's is a casual western place.
(520) 322-9475

Cody's Beef 'n Beans food